SERVICES provides the following services: Career Coaching, Strengths Profiling for Individuals, Teams and Managers, Strengths Profiling for Students, Executive Coaching, CVs, LinkedIn Profiling, Interview coaching and Training services. All services are available on line. 

Career Coaching: 

Whether you are facing redundancy, feeling un-fulfilled in your current role, looking for a job with greater work-life balance, or simply wishing to do something new, it will mean stepping out of your comfort zone, and taking that first courageous step on your change journey. Through her personal and professional experience, Mary can support you with those first steps, empowering you to transition and orientate yourself towards a successful change. This may be doing the same role in a different organisation to doing something completely new. Her approach is positive, non judgemental and practical and she will afford you a safe space to reflect, explore options and plan for action.

Strengths Profiling for individuals, teams and managers

As an accredited Strengths Profiling (SP) practitioner Mary uses SP as a developmental, action-based tool with individuals, teams and managers. The results of the SP tool will help individuals become more self-aware. You will be able to use your strengths to support weaknesses and learned behaviours and tap into your unrealised strengths or hidden talents helping you to grow and flourish. For teams and managers, Strengths Profiling will help build a strengths-based environment and a high performing team. A manager will be able to delegate according to strengths, set goals according to unrealised strengths, and understand the impact of weaknesses on a team members role. 

Strengths Profiling for Students

Students often do not know how to talk about their strengths. As well as increasing self-awareness, the strengths profile equips students with the language needed for making applications to college/university, and work placements. It also helps build self-confidence for school and social interactions generally, and in identifying potential careers and sectors based on their strengths.

Executive Coaching

Have you ever asked yourself if you need Coaching? Is this a process you might benefit from? Or what exactly is it?

Coaching is a process that enables an individual to reflect, increase self-awareness, ask for support, clarify goals, assess their own strengths and areas for development, and identify their own solutions for moving forward. Coaching is about unlocking a persons’ potential to maximise their own performance. As a Coach Mary provides a safe, confidential, creative and non-judgemental space, asking you thought-provoking questions, and actively listening to provide insightful feedback, enabling you to explore, reflect, make good decisions and move forward with confidence.

Complete the contact form to find out more or call to arrange a complimentary 20-30 minute taster session.

CVs, LinkedIn Profile & Interview coaching

If your CV needs fine tuning, or a complete overhaul, Mary will assist you capture your key skills and achievements, demonstrating how you can add value, and significantly increase your chances of being called for interview. She will help you with your LinkedIn profile highlighting what makes you unique and ensure you get noticed. Whether it be a competency-based, traditional, screening, on-line interview or a combination, Mary will use her experience and expertise to help you.  She will assist you prepare for interview, anticipating questions and working through answers, guiding you on body language and non-verbal communication, and significantly optimising your chances of a positive outcome.


Mary has extensively delivered training programmes in the voluntary, private, university and public sectors. Programmes have included career management, healthcare support and customer service, in addition to soft skills training such as communication and teamwork. Equipped to design and deliver customised programmes based on your needs, Mary brings energy, professionalism and a personalised, dynamic approach to her training.

"The most creative act you will every undertake is the act of creating yourself"Deepak Chopra

Enabling insight, unleashing potential